VRIO Canvas
VRIO is a business analysis framework that forms part of a firm’s larger strategic scheme.
Strategy Toolkit
Temps suggéré
90 minutes à 3 semaines
Niveau de Difficulté
Matériels Nécessaires
Because market opportunities can vastly differ in their attractiveness, you need to understand their characteristics. The Attractiveness Map allows you to visually depict the evaluation of your market opportunities, so you can better grasp their upsides and downsides, and compare them with each other.
This visualization helps you in determining your most attractive options, at a given point in time, so that you can make an informed decision about your primary market opportunity– one that relies less on intuition or suffers from the biases that we all have.
The attractiveness of each market opportunity is based on the potential it bears and on the challenge in pursuing it. The rating of each option on both dimensions results in its location on the map.
Source : WhereToPlay.co
VRIO is a business analysis framework that forms part of a firm’s larger strategic scheme.
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