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Carte d’Empathie / Empathy Map

Une bonne conception s’appuie sur une compréhension profonde de la personne pour laquelle vous concevez. Les designers ont beaucoup de techniques pour développer ce type d’empathie. Une carte d’empathie (empathy map) est un outil pour vous aider à synthétiser vos observations et en tirer des insights inattendus.

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Codex des Biais Cognitifs

Un biais cognitif est une distorsion dans le traitement cognitif d’une information. Le terme biais fait référence à une déviation systématique de la pensée logique et rationnelle par rapport à la réalité.

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Cover Story Vison ® Canvas

What is the most amazing future you see for your company (and yourself)? Who has the boldest vision ever? Imagine how you will appear on magazine covers. What’s the word on the street? Creating a cover story will help you get into a future state of mind. The Cover Story Canvas was created by David Sibbet, of the Grove International.

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Creative Matrix Canvas

When you’re finding that everyone’s ideas are falling in and around the same areas of exploration, it’s time to expand the boundaries of your thinking. This is a perfect time to use a creative matrix.

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Customer Experience Canvas

Le Customer Experience Canvas vous permet de travailler plusieurs dimensions de ce que vivent vos clients et imaginer et créer de nouvelles expériences client.

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Customer Journey Canvas

The Customer Journey is a tool to help you get insight into, track, and discuss how a customer experiences a problem you are trying to solve. How does this problem or opportunity show up in their lives? How do they experience it? How do they interact with you?

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Design Criteria Canvas

Whether you’re designing a new Value Proposition, Business Model, or even an entire strategy for the future, design criteria form the principles and benchmarks of the change you’re after. Design criteria are not formulated from thin air. Rather, design criteria incorporate information from your business, vision, customer research, cultural and economic context, and mindset that you have formed along the way.

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Design Your Agile Focus Strategy

A strategy that balances the tension between focus and flexibility, by consciously keeping open other market options: those that will enable you to mitigate risk and to increase value with minimum effort.

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Experiment Canvas

Once you’ve found your riskiest assumptions you’ll need a way to figure out how best to test and measure them in a quantitative way. The experiment canvas, created by Ash Maurya, provides a straightforward way to break down your assumptions into measurable, observable, experiments.

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The set of potential market opportunities that you can address with your core resources and capabilities. These can be varied options, related to different types of applications for different types of customers.

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Le 11 JUIN 2024 Workshop en ligne

Créez un modèle d'entreprise durable

Apprenez à créer un modèle économique durable et/ou circulaire avec le Flourishing Business Canvas©

Les 20, 21 et 23 juin 2022

Peter Keates


Business Model Innovation & Proposition de Valeur Centrée Client

Le 11 Juin 2024

Workshop en ligne Créer un Business Model Durable ou Circulaire

Apprenez à créer un modèle économique durable ou circulaire avec le Flourishing Business Canvas©


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